Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Kulygina O.E. 1
1 IPO Moscow city pedagogical University
Presents the main provisions justifying the necessity of introduction in educational space of pedagogical universities of the competence-based approach, which is based on the concept of competence as the basis of forming for the students - future teachers - along with knowledge of ability to solve the most important practical problems. In relation to the preparation of teachers this idea is connected to development of ability to resolve professional situation. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical sources defined the essence of the pedagogical competence and its structure - a set of competencies. In connection with this assessment of knowledge of graduates of pedagogical universities can serve as the assessment of its competence, i.e. the degree of acquisition of the necessary competences. One of the important provisions of the competence approach is the notion that competence can be formed, analyzed and assessed only in the process of activity and only within a particular profession.