Galanina E.V. 1
1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
The key aspects of engineering education development regarding the realization of the competence-based approach have been determined. Contemporary tendencies in educating engineers are being assessed considering the importance of social humanitarian training. Notably, today it is crucial that educating an engineer involves teaching a range of humanitarian traits and skills, which is in turn reflected in the requirements of international and Russian engineering educational organizations. The ways to improve the methods of forming engineer’s sociocultural competence have been suggested. It has been shown that gaming simulation is in demand, efficient and up to date in this process. In the framework of module “Engineer’s sociocultural competence” we have described the process of developing and applying educational trainings “Intercultural communication” and “The art of presentation” designed for the students participating in the educational program “The system of elite engineering education” in Tomsk polytechnic university.