Valiev А. N. 1
Schwartz O.I. 1
1 Federal public state educational institution of higher education «Kazan legal institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation» (420059
The article defines the principles of teaching combat fighting techniques in the physical preparation of cadets universities Russian Interior Ministry (visualization, personalization, citizenship). Principle provides visibility deliberate contemplation combat fighting techniques with the aim of their reflection in the process of physical preparation, formation of motor representations, as well as the relationship of speech, illustrations, demonstrations and unity of concrete and abstract. The principle of personalization involves the development of subject-subject relations in the process of physical training, with the aim of forming cadets individual technique combat fighting techniques. The principle of citizenship is aimed at developing the students an integral personality traits reflecting sustainability conscious attitude to fulfill their civic duty, manifested in fidelity to the oath of loyalty of the Russian Federation, the civil liability for the lawful use of force protection systems of law and order, security of person, society and state. Implementation of a set of principles of learning fighting techniques to combat increases the efficiency of the physical training of cadets universities MOI Russia: causes system integrity visual and semantic components of the fighting techniques of struggle, the inclusion of students in the process of constructing curricula of fighting techniques to combat the formation of cadets civil-patriotic and professional-significant physical qualities.