Bochkareva O.V. 1
Novichkova T.Y. 1
Snezhkina O.V. 2
Ladin R.A. 2
1 FGKVOU VPOPenzensky Artillery Engineering Institute
2 FGBOU VPOPenzensky State University of Architecture and Construction
The article considers the problem of formation of professional qualities of a future builder by using the classroom for math oriented tasks professionally adequate basic types of professional activity of graduates. To implement the concepts presented by the authors used a systematic approach to the development of professional skills, which is based on: understanding of the relationship of mathematical content educational content relevant disciplines (substantive aspect), the formation of adequate basic skills professional activities (intellectual aspect), the development needs of the mathematical apparatus for solving professional problems (motivational aspect). The main means of implementation of identified qualities are professionally oriented mathematical problems. The article discusses specific examples demonstrating the effectiveness and practical importance of the proposed methodology is presented own interpretation of the concept “professionally oriented mathematical problem”, the requirements to tasks, their classification, proposed criteria for testing the level of formation of professional qualities of the person by professionally oriented solutions of mathematical problems of varying difficulty.