Beloborodova N.S. 1
Gareeva Z.K. 1
1 Birsky branch of BashSU (452450
The article deals with the gender competence formation of pre-school and early school age. In it the authors analyze the most popular programs usedin preschool educational institutions, in particular the educational program “Childhood”, edited by M.A.Vasilyeva, a sex education program of pre-school age children, L.V. Kolomiychenko gender education program “The world of boys and girls” N.E.Tatarintseva, the program “Boys and girls: A differentiated approach to the education of preschool children” I.P.Shelukhina. The authors present a fragment of the experimental work aimed towards gender competence of children. The article describes the pedagogical conditions conducive to informational, motivational, operating and reflexive and analytical competencies, which are components of the gender competence of senior preschool and early school age.