Avtushko L.I. 1
Vekkesser M.V. 1
1 Lesosibirsk pedagogical University - affiliated branch of Siberian Federal University
The article describes possibilities of curricular and extracurricular work in the Russian language in the sphere of moral education of younger schoolchildren on the basis of forms and techniques, the content of which is the special didactic material of moral orientation. The didactic material proposed in the work contributes to the formation of an active life position in the process of extracurricular activities; to the formation of culture and ethics of the speech behavior, providing effective conflict-free communication on the basis of the analysis of speech situations; to updating and assimilation of moral values on the example of enrichment of the speech of school students by nouns of moral issues. As a result, Russian language training aimed not only at the formation of specific subject skills, but also on the development of student’s personality through the formation of moral and ethical values that meet the requirements of the new Federal state educational standard.