Yarkova G.A. 1
Hamitova M.A. 1
1 Federal State Budget Educational Establishment «Tobolsk State Pedagogical Academy named after D.I.Mendeleev»
The vocational training of experts has to be directed on competence formation, and, therefore, on formation of knowledge, skills, on development of abilities, the qualities of the personality necessary for performance of practical kinds of activity. The professional abilities on creation of ways of connection of the theory and practice; excitement of interest to work; mastering by a critical method of work; updating of forms of work; development of process of social work through advance from development of skills and abilities to specialty development; formation of research professional practice are improved in the course of training at students. The goodwill, optimism, responsibility, steadiness needs for the graduate as future expert. The exercises on development of such abilities can be used in educational process at different grade levels and depending on an orientation of a subject they can be changed and supplemented.