SherstnyovaА.I. 1
YanushchikО.V. 1
PahomovaЕ.G. 1
1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
The paper describes the problems encountered in teaching foreign students in Russian universities.Some of the reasons for poor results of students, as well as difficulties in their learning are shown.The features of foreign student›s education at the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University are indicated.The effective methods of teaching and learning which improve the quality of education are identified.The feasibility of using of the method of analogy in the educational process of foreign students is studied.The analogy of the application is considered as a means of increasing the level of general competence. It is shown that the properties of geometric concepts can set by means of algebraic methods, namely analogy between systems of linear inequalities and convex polygons and polyhedrons is suggested for study.