Sherstnyova А.I. 1
Yanushchik О.V. 1
Pahomova Е.G. 1
1 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University
Currently in higher professional education is very urgent problem of training specialists, who possess not only the fundamental backbone basic knowledge and skills, but also are easily able to orientate themselves in the rapidly changing realities of professional life; were motivated to a high-quality implementation of their professional activities; would be ready to take technical and social responsibility in achievement of current problems. As one of the ways of specialist training within the competencemethod the active use of context learning technology is proposed. The article highlights the key competencies and the use of contextual tasks as one of the means of key competencies formation of technical specialties students is proposed. The examples of contextual tasks that can be used to form the key competencies of engineer specialties students are given.