Tsyrenov V.T. 1
1 FSBEI HPE «Buryat State University»
In modern Russian pedagogics the ideas of creation of favorable, most natural conditions for every child’s development found reflection in studying the opportunities to improve a traditional system of training and educating children with deviations in development, and also in creating a special educational atmosphere for a disabled child. This circumstance causes the necessity of the search for innovative ways to organize education which, first of all, have to be directed at sociocultural integration of disabled children. One of the ways to solve this problem consists in modeling of inclusive educational space aimed at the successful sociocultural integration of such children. The article analyzes the major results of the empirical research stating stage as a part of the designed inclusive educational space. The work revealed some regularities of disabled children’s education results and their dependence of the essence and the contents of the institution’s social and educational environment, the attitude of the society towards such people and the level of interaction between various institutions involved in the solution of this problem.