Savchenko M.V. 1
1 State Higher Educational Establishment «Donbas State Pedagogical University»
One of the actual problems of pre-school education on the contemporary stage is the development of the independence as the preschooler’s personality quality. In the psychologists’ works (L.Vigotskiy, A. Zaporozhets, S. Rubinshtein, D. Elkonin) and in the educators’ works (L.Artemova, R. Zhukovskaya, S. Marutyan, D. Mendzheritskaya, P. Samorukova, A. Usova and others) the role of playing activity is emphasized as the main tool of the independence development of pre-school age children. The influence on the development of the independence components of different games is shown, among which the peculiar attention is given to the art games (role plays with the plot, plays the a stage director). According to the analysis of the psychological and pedagogical literature the attempt to define criteria and indicators of the independence in playing activity was made. Among them are: personality criterion where the activity while role playing, the independence in defining the plan of a game, the responsibility to follow the behavior rules are the indicators of the personality criterion; action criterion where the awareness of the role and game contents, operationality while playing, persistence in achieving results are the criterion indicators.