Polezhaev V.D. 1
Polezhaeva M.V. 2
1 The Federal State Scientific Institution «Institute of Informatization of Education» of Russian Academy of Education
2 The Federal State Budget Scientific Institution «Federal Institute for Educational Measurement»
This paper investigates issues related to the actual problem - the study of youth socialization. Dynamics of processes of socialization is determined by complex social mechanisms and depends on many different factors. Objective assessment of these factors is a necessary basis for decision-making on adjustment of their impact on students. The interpretation of the concept «socialization» by Russian and foreign scientists is analyzed. Factors that have a decisive influence on the formation of individual students, their behavior patterns in condition of the information society development are studied. Objects of study - factors and mechanisms of student’s socialization are multidimensional and characterized by a large number of parameters. For their investigation and monitoring integrated or system metrics that describe the behavior of objects «in general» should be used. Simulation in social systems is difficult because most of the studied variables are latent. To measure these properties «construct» is created that contains the basic concept, the terms of this concept and system related issues of sociological questionnaire, they are indicator variables for studied construct. In fact, latent variable measurement reduces to the study, which indicator variables are the best to characterize it and whether they are compatible. In the present paper, selection principles of socialization factors are considered. Most important of these factors in the information and educational space is providing a decisive influence in development personality of students.