Patronova N.N. 1
Teplyakov V.V. 1
1 Northern(Arctic) FederalUniversityn.a. M.V. Lomonosov
Gain of a professional directivity of high school course of the probability theory (PT) for future mathematics teachers is considered as setting before this course of the purpose of development in students of the main receptions of cogitative activities to reflexive level taking into account specifics of probable and statistical style of thinking. Orientation of training of TV of future mathematics teachers to development of the main receptions of cogitative activities is reached at the expense of implementation of the principles of training, with a support on existing concepts of developing training and a professional and pedagogical directivity of training in mathematics in teacher training University. The developed technique of training of TV oriented on development of the main receptions of cogitative activities, implements a row of authoring ideas in a complex. One of which isuse of special modification of a method of training through problems (training through chains of tasks). Determination of a chain of problems is given and the types of problems corresponding to levels of development of the main receptions of cogitative activities and located in an order, corresponding to sequential change of these levels are selected. The fragment of a chain of problems for a practical occupation on the subject «Geometrical Probabilities» is given.