Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Papkova E.A. 1
1 Southern Federal University
In article, the results of research of the student’s potential intellectual endowments development in compliance with model of the potential intellectual endowments created on the basis of the theoretical bases of endowments models (J. Renzulli) and intelligence (M. A. Holodnaya) are given. The used battery of test techniques and results of its application is given in selection of students of 1, 2 and 3 courses PGLU of the specialty «Psychology». The factorial analysis for the statistical analysis of research results among several was used. Results of research allowed to see that purposeful work on updating of potential intellectual endowments, considerably increases results on techniques and promotes progress improvement. It should be noted that in control group the part of students was increased considerably the indicators of techniques without additional exercises and studies that can mean existence of intellectual endowments. Updating of potential intellectual endowments can happen not only during specially organized work to students, and by means of and their independent work. We revealed that there is a nonlinear relation between progress and level of student’s potential intellectual endowments updating.