Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Osipova S.I. 1 Teresсhenko Y.A. 1 Klimovich L.V. 1
1 Siberian federal university
Education today must take into account the socio-cultural conditions that indicate a situation of uncertainty, putting innovative task of forming a man capable of solving the problems yet unstated problem. A new approach to solving this problem the authors attribute to the implementation of the so-called advanced training, considering the subject of educational activities in the ongoing development of their abilities and capabilities, including the development of new ways of life, an example of preprofile and profile student learning math. Enriching the content of the profile of discipline was based on the inclusion of sections of educational material, difficult to assimilate students, in-depth study of the sections of the school course, part of the structure of the unified state exam and provide continuity between the pre-university programs and higher education. Testing assignments of different types and levels, gradually developing cognitive activities of students showed a significant increase motivation to learn mathematics and the quality of knowledge in the discipline.