Okulova M.V. 1
1 STC «Technoprestige»
Formation and team building teens purposefully and consistently carried out, according to the objectives of education facing the class teacher and enhances the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation and teambuilding teenagers means extracurricular activities. To solve the tasks, the main theoretical and methodological ways of evaluating the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation and teambuilding teenagers means extracurricular activities, defined totality of educational actions ( information-analytical, problem- staged and logical ) in the development of pedagogical conditions for the formation of a cohesive team of teenagers , identified forms of extracurricular activities aimed at forming a cohesive team of teenagers developed methodological framework and methods for evaluating the effectiveness of educational and educational complex events. We formulate ways of improving the methodological apparatus objective assessment of the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of formation and teambuilding teenagers means extracurricular activities.