Ogorodova L.N. 1
1 GBOU VPO «Moscow City Pedagogical University»
The methodological basis position of the author have ideas of socio-cultural, sredovye, spatial and resource approaches. Upbringing space of the class - it is a social and educational reality. Its existence is a form of an integrated environment, the totality of potential resources and conditions of the individual and social partnership. Upbringing space class is real; has potential and resources of development; characterized by multidimensionality, Unfinished, openness, of integration, ventfulness. Upbringing space of the class united in variety personal spaces. The process of development of the child This is most effective upbringing space which accessible and actual for him, free and open to creativity, it is understood and included in the area of responsibility and trust. The main trends of development and educational space class are pedagogical designing its structure and infrastructure, event and lifestyle, resources and mechanisms of social partnership with the subjects. For them, upbringing becomes relevant and significant practices of the state and society.