Atanov I.V. 1
Kapustin I.V. 1
Nikitenko G.V. 1
Skripkin V.S. 1
1 FSBEI HPE «Stavropol State Agrarian University»
Efficiency of the educational process depends on how much interest the teacher prompts and organizes active cognitive activity of students. Discipline must provide the necessary elements help students to understand the specific knowledge in a particular field of activity, provides knowledge about the basics of modern technological processes, machines, systems and methods of registration and accounting production technology to the extent necessary for the conscious, lasting and deep skills development and further growth of production skills. In addition, it is important task representation discipline is that students not only learned separately taken the theme , but also to comprehend and adjust its position in technological processes , have recognized the link with the subject being studied by other disciplines of the curriculum (interdisciplinary communication). The problems of improving the efficiency of the educational process in high school education, one of whose purposes is to develop and improve interdisciplinary connections.