Maksymenko T.A. 1
Tebenova K.S. 1
Bobrovа V.V. 1
Sakaeva A.N. 1
1 Karaganda State University them. E.A.Buketov
Health education – a focused, systematic and organized process. As a result of analysis on the development of a healthy lifestyle in children found that a very important place healthy lifestyle for children with disabilities. In this regard, they have a constant need for leading healthy lifestyles. We took into consideration the fact that for the proper formation of life, you need to set three main objectives: a global, didactic, methodical. This is the definition of basic components of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and sports. Physical culture and sport perform multiple functions in society and involve groups of people of different ages. Multifunctional nature of data elements is reflected in the physical culture and sports is the development of physical, aesthetic and moral qualities of the human person, organization of socially useful activity, recreation, disease prevention, education of the rising generation, physical and psycho-emotional recreation and rehabilitation, communication and so on physical culture and sports are an important factor in the rehabilitation and social adaptation of persons with disabilities. It is important to be able to organize work for proper formation of knowledge and skills about healthy living.