Likhacheva E.N. 1
BobrovaV.V. 2
Oleksyuk Z.Y. 2
1 Karaganda University «Bolashak»
2 Karaganda State University named after E.Buketov
Early detection of non-regulatory options for the development of cognitive, emotional and volitional processes is fundamental to the effectiveness of subsequent corrective action. Problem of psycho-educational assessment must be determined psychophysiological features of development of the young child, as well as take into account socio -pedagogical factors in the organization of the diagnostic procedure. The main structural components of psycho-pedagogical study of young children in order to determine the level of development of mental processes were: the study of motor functions (development of gross and fine motor skills, the formation of elementary motor skills ) , the study of sensory spheres (improvement of optical-spatial and auditory functions , sensory-perceptual activity) , the study of the subject activity urge children to solve visual problems in tactical games and at home, mediated cognitive development , learning skills and emotional situation- business communication with adults and peers , the study of language development and its features.