Kuprina A.V. 1
1 Moscow State Humanitarian University. M.A. Sholokhov
The paper analyzes the approaches to socio-cultural development of students , marked peculiarities and difficulties of the present situation . Actualized the importance of socio-cultural development of the individual as a public interest and social order . In order to implement social and cultural development of students is invited to organize a scientific and curatorial activities through the special education work in accordance with the concept . The concept of the curator determined by the purpose , objectives and principles. Describes the components of social and cultural development, including the General professional (formation of organizational -activity , communication and IT skills ), social (development and expansion of social and cultural experiences by incorporating different types of activities performed by a set of social roles) , personal (acquisition of personal qualities that manifest themselves in relation to work, other people, objects, himself) . Notes the role of the curatorship in socio-cultural development of the students are realized by incorporating them in the socio-cultural educational environment of the university.