Kendirbekova J.H. 1
Baymukanova M.T. 1
Bobrova V.V. 1
Oleksyuk Z.Y. 1
1 Karaganda State University them. E.A. Buketov
The inclusion of the person in the environment of interethnic communication, system of cross-cultural contacts is presented an important area of pedagogical work, where the socio-pedagogical direction is the real link to the effective involvement of the individual to the process of ethnosocial interaction and, as a result, the formation of multicultural education. The situation reveals the importance of defining the methodological basis ethnosocial pedagogical direction of activity of a social pedagogue. In the context of the study of the problem of the essence of involvement of the person in culture is the starting point for the determination of the position of the priority of transmission of ethnic and universal aspects of culture. In this regard, values, value orientations and attitudes appear as links in the chain of transmission of culture. The definition of their contents, hierarchical relations and peculiarities of accounting in the construction of ethnic social-pedagogical work allow to define the specific mechanism for the formation of multicultural education of the person.