Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Dutova O.V. 1
1 Sant-Petersburg Socially-rehabilitation center for minors «Prometheus»
In article the main priority directions of social adaptation of teenagers – graduates of residential establishments and experience of their realization by familiarizing with welfare activity in the conditions of the social and rehabilitation center «Prometey» (St. Petersburg) are considered. The main problems demanding the decision and the priority areas of work are allocated: deficiency of socialization, and first of all weak development of the main repertoire of family roles; the low level of communicative culture interfering formation of socially adaptive skills; the problems of personal character interfering social adaptation; social and legal illiteracy. Features of development of adaptation potential according to internal logic of processes of understanding, assimilation and assignment of welfare values are opened. The presented and developed comprehensive modular program including in structure of 10 main modules: «Family», «Tolerance», «Leisure», «Culture of behaviour», «Healthy lifestyle», «Career guidance and employment «Springboard», «Patriotic education», «The safe world», «Social and legal adaptation», «Social adaptation».