Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Jarmanova I.V. 1 Molozhavenko V.L. 2
1 Munitsipal budget preschool educational institution child development Center - kindergarten № 7 «Elochka»
2 Tyumen State oil and gas University
Under pedagogical conditions of communicative and personal development of children-we understand mothodologies reasons: the scientific basis - system under-run, the theoretical-methodological strategy - axiological approach, practice-oriented - personal - activity and technological approach. 2. Implementation of principles: variation involves the organization of training based on the internal state of the pupil, the synthesis of intellect, emotion and action work with children should involve them in the processes of cognition, action, and emotional con-tact, the priority start - consideration of the potential at each pre-school nickname, the projection principle in the organization of training taking into account usamovara upward by the impact; 3. Increase conflictological competence of teachers and parents through: psychological trainings, seminars, workshops; advice and testing. 4. The formation of the experience of constructive communication in accordance with the theory T. Parsons, mechanisms of coordination and cooperation between subjects of social systems on the basis of generally accepted norms, standards of behavior, transforming them into internal motives of activity.