Yalukova I.V. 1
Khrisanova E.G. 1
1 FBGOU Institution «Chuvash State University im.I.Ya.Yakovleva»
Processes of social development are inextricably linked to the activation of the human factor, the development of creative activity of people in all spheres of social and productive activities. Without the development of cognitive activity, the ability to self-fund their knowledge, it is impossible to solve the problem of the formation of the new man. Therefore, before a comprehensive school the task orientation of education not only in acquiring knowledge and skills, but also on the development of personality, her cognitive abilities. In many professions, the main part of performing activity shifted to the machine, the share of mental labor is increasing. Currently, there is a need for action, active, creative person, capable to operate the machine and possess extensive knowledge in the field of information technology. In connection with this problem to enhance the cognitive activity of younger students is important.