Titova E.I. 1
Chaprasova A.V. 1
Yachinova S.N. 1
1 Penza State University of Architect and Build
This article tells about the problem of teaching geometry at school, particularly the development of skills to work with schemes while solving geometrical problems. Taking into consideration psychological, pedagogical and methodical researches, the authors point out the methods of work with schemes and corresponding steps. It is stressed that teaching these methods is conducted together with solving problems on calculation and proof. Different types of problems are considered. Groups of tasks with given schemes are distinguished. Examples of these exercises are provided as well as specially organized work which is aimed at the formation of these skills. These exercises can be used at any stage of geometry lessons. The authors review the methods of work with problems which let not only form the devices how to work with schemes but at the same time raise the level of mastering main notions, facts and methods of geometry.