Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Terentyeva I.V. 1 Chepuryshkin I.P. 2 Vasilenkova N.I. 2
1 Kazan (Volga region) federal university
2 Smolensk regional government budget educational institution for students and pupils with disabilities «Pochinkovskaya special (correctional) boarding school VII-VIII of Species»
The article reveals the content management boarding school as a sustainable interaction between the subjects of life of the boarding school and the local community, aimed at eliminating the formation of segregation and discrimination, to create conditions for self-realization and the active participation of students in the community, improving the competitiveness of the boarding school on the market educational services. It has been established that the management of the quality of education at a boarding school can be understood as a system of subject integration, ensuring the implementation of the educational needs of children in accordance with their abilities and capabilities, the formation of their positive motivation to independent living, self-help skills and the inclusion of a full-fledged social activities. The mechanism of quality management education at a boarding school includes subjects and objects of management, structure, methods, management and quality assessment. Quality management education in a boarding school is different from managing a boarding school that is primarily aimed at providing every child with the opportunity to realize their full potential to benefit society and to become a full member.