Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Tahohov B.А. 1
1 North Ossetian State University K.L.Khetagurov
Changing of the methodological of directions of development of the modern high school, caused, on the one hand, fixing the focus on originality and uniqueness of the individual and the need for scientific forecasting professional paths - from the other, brings to life personodidactics of as innovative learning technologies, which being developed with modern methodological positions. This theoretical promise served as the basis for the identification of psycho-pedagogical features of the theoretical basis and practical implementation of the principles personodidactics in high school as the most important directions of realization of humanistic paradigm, envisaging the organization of educational process taking into account the individual needs of students and their professional goals. According with the declared by approach GEF VPO in the heart of which was staged organization of training based on the elaboration of individual educational trajectories, correspond technological examination personodidactics as psycho-pedagogical support of the educational process, implying its maximum of individualized. The definitions of the notion “personodidactics” are revealed in connection with creation, professional formation of personality and its competences.