Tamozhnikov D.V. 1
1 Volgograd State Physical Education Academy
Using an additional means of improving the functionality of a reg-lamentirovannyh modes of breathing, different effects (breathing exercises, dosage tion hypoventilation and increased airway resistance), respectively, the main tasks workout young players in different periods of the training cycle enhances trenirovoch effect you want from the use of conventional training effects (exercise) and ensures the preservation of functional capacity and physical condition and player throughout all periods of training and competitive activities. Systematic use increased chennogo resistive breathing resistance, enhances physical performance while maintaining physiological cost and voltage stability of regulatory mechanisms, it should be used on the precompetitive stage of the preparatory period, at the end of the first game of the circle (the first stage of the competition period), in the middle period and intergame in the second part of the second round of the competition (the third stage of the competitive period).