Sukharev A.I. 1
Baymukhanov G.S. 1
1 Omsk State Pedagogical University
Painting as an academic discipline in the artistic-pedagogical education occupies one of leading places in training. it is aimed at the study of the theory of Visual Arts and technologies of the scenic work, various pictorial materials. one of the main tasks of the painting as an academic discipline in the artistic-pedagogical education is the development of a sense of colour among the students. Image by any artistic paints has common patterns identification and transfer of cvetotonal′nyh relations no matter what model portrayed. This article deals with the basic parameters, characteristics of color. For the correct transmission of color relationships, it is necessary to accurately determine the hue of each subject, differences on the svetlote (how much one piece of darker or lighter of another) and saturation (intensity) of each color in relation to others. to learn how to correctly detect and transmit color relationships, you get to see field play whole, i.e. all predmety at the same time. Only comparing between objects on different plans, comparing them to the hue, saturation, and svetlote, you can define a color. the tone of each of them separately. Color object is always driven by the environment. The weakening or strengthening the forces of general lighting luminance changes accordingly and the saturation of the color. Hue, intensity change with changing light intensity. In the case of very high coverage paints like fade, become light and little saturated; at very low-seem darker and a little too saturated.