Suslov N.D. 1
Mishustin V.N. 2
Sentjabrev N.N. 2
1 Vladimir State University
2 Volgograd state academy of physical education
Changes in biomechanical parameters displacement of barbell gave reasons for assumptions about differences of motor coordination by increasing the weight of barbell. Limiting the number of maximum weight lifts in training of young weightlifters reduces the probability of success in the competition when lifting submaximal and maximal weights. For proving the ways to improve the preparation of young weightlifters was analyzed the diary entries, as well as barbell speed launch and duration of the phases of its movement when the message needed to fix the speed of departure. With the help of complex laser-based duration of the phases were determined by using high-speed video camera. The obtained results of measurements were taken as an individual biomechanical model of athlete and grip movements during weight lifting barbell competitive weight. Partial load of classical exercises performed in the zone of maximum weights of less than 10 % of the total amount of training and competitive reliability was less than 52 % by sub maximal and 9 % at maximum weights. The main indicators of preliminary duration and final phases of acceleration of the barbell in the snatch while lifting rods of different weights. Comparative analysis of pre- execution rate of rise and the final acceleration of the bar showed that the five-fold rise 80 % by weight of it ‘s closest to the model of the rhythmic structure of competitive jerk rod 100 % weight.