Smolyaninova O.G. Imanova O.A. 1
Trofimova V.V. 1
1 “Siberian Federal University”
The article describes the possibilities the use of electronic technology portfolio for the development and evaluation of social competence bachelors and masters teacher training areas. Brief characteristics of indicators manifestations of social competencies identified by the authors in the research process. Describe the conditions of efficient use of technology e-portfolio in the Institute of pedagogy, psychology and sociology of SFU in the process of training teachers at all levels of education. Presented by the content of the section “Achievements” electronic portfolio allow students to assess student achievement in various activities. Describes how to use e-portfolios, which allows rewarding students for achievements in scientific, educational, social and other activities on the basis of published in electronic portfolio documents. Presents the criteria of estimation of documents for public achievements in accordance with their relevance.