Smolyaninova O.G. 1
Shilina N.G. 2
1 Siberian federal university
2 Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University
Electronic portfolio (е-portfolio) is not only a means of learners’ achievement registration, reflection and auto-evaluation, but also a promising tool for self-positioning in the professional community through expanding the traditional job resume potential. In modern conditions the technology of e-portfolio gained new recognition as the tool of capitalization resources of students, as a response to the challenges of society and open system of education. In the world pedagogical practice of e-portfolio is also considered as a part of e-learning strategies. In Krasnoyarsk region progress of a systematic study of the use of technology e-portfolio in professional education and employment.The paper presents the study of the opinions of the pedagogical community of the Krasnoyarsk region on the practical application of e-portfolio in educational process and employment (according to the results of the online survey).