Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Sandalova Y.V. 1
1 Kirov State Medical Academy
The article under review represents different types of social relations (class, national, ethnic, group, interpersonal, legal relations), their classification according to social action orientation (unilateral social relations, mutual relations, dependence relations) and the vector (rivalry as negative mutual relations and cooperation as positive mutual relations). Understanding social relations in philosophy, culture study and pedagogy is analyzed. In philosophy, for example, social relations are understood as sensory-empirical reflection of the external world; in pedagogy - as specially organized activities to transfer social experience. Structure of human social experience is described: knowledge of both accumulation of information about the world and how to perform different activities; experience in performing the activities; experience in creative activity; experience in emotional and value relationship to objects or means of human activity. The characteristics describing social experience are: material production activities, social relationships, artistic practice, scientific practice; relation-to-nature experience, experience in organization of society and the individual activity; the process and result of an individual and outside world interaction. Experience of students’ social relations is viewed through motivational-emotional, cognitive, operational-active, assessment and reflective components.