Romanovskaia I.A. 1
Khafizullina I.N. 1
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education «Astrakhan state university»
The analysis of the development of teachers’ inclusive competence in the process of further training is conducted. The structure of the teacher’s competence is considered. The definition is given and the structure of teacher’s inclusive competence including key informatory (motivational, cognitive, reflexive) and key operational competences is described. The necessity of scheduling the course ‘The secondary school teacher’s inclusive competence’ into the syllabus of teachers’ further training is stressed. The course aims at orienting students to the acquisition and testing of core competencies that are part of an inclusive competence; formation of skills to explain and predict phenomena pedagogical and experience solving pedagogical problems; acquisition capabilities of constructive communication in conditions simulating a professional activity inclusive education. The results of studying the level of development of inclusive competence of students of further training courses in Astrakhan State University are given.