Romanov V.A. 1
1 Tula State Pedagogical University L.N. Tolstoy
On the basis of analysis of scientific literature, we answer the question: “Why zdorovesohranenie be considered as part of vocational training, which requires not only objective knowledge, enriching the experience of mastering techniques of cognitive, practical and social activities, but also the formation of personality traits that will allow future specialist in the field of physical culture and education consciously participate in preserving and strengthening the health of children, to see social and personal significance of this work”. The author considers the main components of the strategy for socio-professional development of teacher’s personality, a procedure to identify and use all the conditions conducive to the success of its preparation for the implementation of priority zdorovesohranyayuschey professional functions and rational organization of the educational environment of the educational system as an educational institution. Given this is the question of formation of motivation to a healthy lifestyle, the solution of which requires a lot of effort in terms of choice of traditional approaches to teaching physical education at the faculty and university leaders. Most important place is given priority by the author formation of students of special competencies, knowledge and skills to improve the health and the inclusion of each of them in active steps to self-healing and physical self-improvement.