Gibadullina Y.M. 1
Doronina N.A. 1
Niyazova A.A. 1
1 Tobolsk State Social and Pedagogical Academy named after D.I. Mendeleev
Theoretical and practical aspects of preparation of teachers to new roles in the conditions of formal, non-formal and informal education are considered in the article. Three main roles are allocated: the tutor, the moderator and a fasilitator which needs to train teachers. Mastering by the teacher of technology of tutor maintenance will allow help being trained to orient in new educational conditions, to choose an individual educational route, to organize process of independent training. The use of technology of a moderation helps to resolve issues of development of group as collective and the organization of interaction and cooperation of its participants, excludes formal control and an assessment, contains the ways of activity specifying a solution of a problem for group, creates psychologically comfortable conditions. When using technology of a fasilitation traditional fixing for being trained in performing function that will allow to pass to preparation active, capable to the independent analysis and adoption of non-standard solutions of the being trained is overcome.