Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Hasanova J.T. 1
1 HPE «Dagestan State Pedagogical University»
This article examines the theoretical, educational, educational aspects of aesthetic education by means of folklore. Detailed analysis of theoretical and methodological, psychological and educational problems of aesthetic education, identified effective means of using the spiritual and cultural values ​​of the people of Dagestan folklore. It defines the role of folklore in modern life and the use of its educational potential in the development of spiritual and moral aesthetic culture of the school students. It is shown that the concentration in the works of folklore of various systematic valuable material to study and determine its theoretical specific capacity and is prioritized in the process of aesthetic education. Article Gasanova J. T. is valuable because it to rethink the theory aesthetic education, means of folklore Dagestan. Provides an interesting analysis of the current stage of the problem, it also shows the different points of view on the subject. The article made​​ a serious and necessary step in the direction of studying the problem of aesthetic education by means of folklore of the peoples of Dagestan.