Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Zebzeeva V.A. 1
1 Orenburg state pedagogical university
The article reveals the results of a study on the impact of the games of the training on environmental development of children of preschool age.The introduction of the standard of pre-school education contributed to the release of new requirements to the contents, forms, methods of work with children. The aim of our study was the theoretical basis and the efficacy of the use of game training in work with children of preschool age. Using different classification of games, we have selected environmental games, which formed the basis of the complex’s environmental training. It includes games that occur on the initiative of the children themselves, play arising on the initiative of the adult, national games, coming from the depths of the ethnos. They developed a list of environmental didactic games for various age groups. In the games, the complex was included didactic games, game learning situation, ecological and psychological training. The use of a complex games contributed to the solution of the tasks of expansion sensory experience preschoolers, development feelings of emotional intelligence, feelings of empathy, forming the active life position in relation to nature, overcoming a pragmatic attitude to the nature, the expansion of individual ecological space. The results of the research showed the effectiveness of the use of game training in environmental education of children of senior preschool age.