Scientific journal
Научное обозрение. Педагогические науки
ISSN 2500-3402
ПИ №ФС77-57475


Dvadnenko M.V. 1 Privalova N.M. 1 Dvadnenko I.V. 1 Dvadnenko V.I. 1 Privalov D.M. 1
1 Fsbee of MVT «Kuban state technological university»
The modern strategy of preparation of the future experts makes self-development of their person capable to fall outside the limits of normative activity, to realize the newest processes, creatively to decide the put tasks. The newest processes in education are connected to use of new pedagogical receptions promoting perfection of methods of training. Use of business games is unique method of training, which creates an atmosphere of collective work, causes interest in study of a subject, pushes the pupils to business activity, that promotes effective increase of quality of preparation of the expert. The application of ball system of an estimation of knowledge of the students allows to estimate not only art correctly to answer, but also ability correctly to formulate problems. With the help of questions the intellectual search of the students is made active.