Vinokurova N.V. 1
Mazurenko O.V. 1
1 «Mordovian state pedagogical institute named after N.E. Yevsevyev»
Fiction is not only one of the effective facilities for teaching a child to read but the most important means of accessing the rising generation to their national culture. However, there are no researches confirming the effectiveness of using fiction when shaping pre-school children’s ethno-cultural knowledge. The given research work defined the following ones: firstly, the component structure of ethno-cultural knowledge; secondly, worked out the methods of shaping ethno-cultural knowledge when reading fiction; thirdly, described preparation and experimental training aimed at forming ethno-cultural knowledge by means of pre-school children’s acquaintance with fiction. The investigation shows that most of pre-school children considerably improved their level of ethno-cultural knowledge during 3 month’s cycle which supports the effectiveness of the suggested methods. The results of the research work may be used in the course of educational and teaching process in pre-school institutions as well as when improving curricula, methodic appliances for educators and pedagogues of extra education.