Vinokurova N.V. 1
Mazurenko O.V. 1
1 Mordovian state pedagogical institute named after M.E. Yevsevyev
The article considers the existing interconnection between the system of students’ additional education and the higher school competitive system. The authors prove the direct dependence on improving the qualities of educational services aimed at the needs of employers and labour market as a whole. The authors of the article propose the experiment of specialist’ professional training based on the additional education program “Coach of childish fitness (pre-schoоl age). The result of the investigation of higher school activity on ensuring specialists’ qualitative training are as follows: graduates’ training as qualified competent specialists on a level with up-todate technologies, able to compete at labour market, ready to carry out their professional activity under various conditions and constant advance, development of the system of additional professional rtaining with regard for regional economy needs.