Borodina S.D. 1
1 Public Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training “Kazan State University of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Culture of Russian Federation”
There was an analysis of library social institute (LSI) specialists’ professional subculture as a subject of professionalizing carried out. Culture represents a set of interacting subcultures as consequences of professional values of experts. It allows to investigate the profession of a libraian not as a generalized, but as an individualized space that corresponds to methodology of a post-neoclassical science stage. Professionalizing as a professional congruence demands from an expert of continuous attainment of knowledge and skills that meet the requirements of constantly changing characteristics of professional space. Within the professional subculture there is cognizing, preservation and transferring of not simply skills, but cultural tradition of BSI experts. The analysis of professional subculture of BSI experts as an integrative system demonstrates its high potential as a subject of professionalizing and allows to develop the system at an expense of improvement of the elements forming it.