Aikin V.A. 1
Baksheev M.D. 1
Korichko A.V. 2
Tarasevich G.A. 1
1 Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports
2 Nizhnevartovsk state university
At the department of theory and methods swimming of Siberian state university of physical education and sports (SSUPhE) the research of the age characteristics of the various elements formation in swimming motility at school children was conducted. The age-related changes of biomechanical indicators turning technique elements, starting with the swimmer out of the water tables and in schoolchildren aged 7–17 years dynamics is characterized by heterochronies manifestation of sensitive and critical periods, despite the identical nature of the motion speed - power orientation. The age-related changes of elements of different ways of navigation equipment at schoolchildren aged 7–17 years in primary education are unidirectional determined, despite the different shape and movement coordination. The identified patterns during the study can be used as a basenlie in the technical training of young swimmers.