Chesnokova A.V. 1
Ponomarev P.A. 1
Radina O.I. 1
1 The South-Russian State University of Economics and Service
At the current stage of development of the society there are new, more high demands on staff, in connection with this there are the increased demands and to modern education. It is hard to interest young people who want a top position in the company’s reliability, the standard theoretical course, which is taught in universities. And the society today requires young professionals more knowledge than ever before. In this connection it is necessary to introduce innovative methods in education, practical courses for students to develop their innovative thinking and craving for self-education. The purpose of this study is to identify the problem and show a range of approaches to the formation of an education system to show the main directions and objects of pedagogical change. The main purpose of introduction of innovative technologies in the preparation of economic cadres is to expand and implement the intellectual potential of the nation, state and society.