Aikin V.A. 1
Koriagina J.V. 1
Suhachev E.A. 1
Reutskaya E.A. 1
1 Siberian State University of Physical Education and Sports
The paper presents the modern aspects of the training process organization and competitive activities in the biathlon and short track abroad. The focus is on improving the shooting skills, analysis of factors contributing to a stable and accurate shooting, the development of special physical properties and analysis technology movements. In studies devoted to the problem of short-trek athletes training it is mainly focused on improving the technical and tactical activities. The data are devoted not only to improve the educational and training process of athletes, but also the analysis of world-class competitions. A major role at this stage in the development of these sports is given the material and technical equipment – the development of new mobile systems analysis techniques and tactics of the movement of the passage race distance, analyzing training data.