Schastlivtseva I.V. 1
Veretennikova A.V. 1
1 Yurginsky institute of technology (branch) federal public budgetary educational institution of higher education «National research Tomsk polytechnical university»
The main problem of improving fitness is support of attendance of occupations by those people who started being engaged. Questioning of the girls (women) who are engaged in fitness in YuTI TPU, with the purpose to determine motivation by occupation by fitness, and testing by a technique SAN before occupation and after it for definition of influence of occupation on health is carried out. The major factor defining occupations by fitness, the factor «health» is. On the subsequent places factors – appearance, psychological and social settled down. The analysis of the carried-out tests by a technique the DIGNITY showed that after classes these indicators at the majority of the engaged increase that speaks about correctly picked up loading on occupation. Indicators at persons who 1-3 months are engaged decrease or visit occupations not regularly. The received results correspond to the data provided in special and scientific literature.