Rybaleva I.A. 1
Tuleykina M.M. 1
1 FGBOU VPO «Amursk State Humanitarian Pedagogical University»
The following article considers position and significance of research work as an element in the structure of pedagogical activity. The concept “pedagogical activity”, its essence and structure are specified. The essence and structure of teacher’s creative activity as the basis of research work are defined. Teacher’s research skills are considered and, based on scientific works, the authors single out the display of basic criteria of the modern teacher’s research skills. The authors come to conclusion that research activity is the integral component of pedagogical activity of the modern teacher, organizing all the other types of the pedagogical activity. Research activity as a component in the structure of pedagogical activity influences the development of teacher’s professional competence, the formation and development of teacher’s personality as an active subject of his/her own activity, capable of self-realization and self-actualization.