KorzakovV.N. 1
BykovV.S. 2
1 Urals State University of physical culture
2 Southern-Ural state university
The influence of exercise on the mobility of the spine in children 12-15 years in the process of training kyokushin karate. Workout tools used included a specially selected motor task used in kyokushin karate, have different coordination structure and the technique of performing basic competitive actions associated with shock the movements of the hands and feet. For the experiment, two groups were formed in children 12-15 years with impaired mobility of the spine each. A core group of children was on the methodology of exercises of different complexity used in karate kyokushin, control method used in Adaptive physical education. Both groups showed improvements in mobility of the spine. However, a core group of children working on the proposed methodology changes were more pronounced than in the Group of children in the control group.