Kokorina I.V. 1
1 Northern (Arctic) federal university named after M. V. Lomonosov
The article describes the result of the work on creation of a complex of teaching students of philology, the systematic application of which contributes to the formation of the experience of using methods of the theory of probability and mathematical statistics in the professional activity. The approach proposed in the article is based on the concept of contextual education developed in the works of A. A. Verbitsky. The complex of teaching offered by the author of the article is based on a gradual transition training to solve from stochastic problems to professionally-oriented ones, and from the latter to the professional linguistic stochastic problems. The course of professionally oriented laboratory works for students of philology is presented; the solution to professional tasks of linguistic analysis with the help of factor analysis of variance is given. The coverage of the issue of teaching to use software products of special purpose, in particular Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for the purpose of processing and analyzing statistical data is presented.